Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Keep On Hoping and Hoping and Hoping...and....

Yesterday everybody in office was eager to know only one thing - the new scheme. How it will be like, how much increment, how much allowance..bla..bla...bla...and the editors were among those who kept checking on the salary slips to come from as early in the morning, and finally, after being sooooo patient, we got to know everything by 5 pm. Thank God!

More sighs than relieves, some said it is not as said, as told and definitely as expected. Some said, syukur, Alhamdulillah..rezeki. And me....I fall into the second category because I just love the new scheme, I'm sure I'm being paid as according to my job specs, and I'm so grateful. I mean, come onla, belajar daripada pengalaman, bersyukur dengan kehidupan baru daripada kehidupan silam. I've been thru experiences of not been paid, pas tu they deducted my EPF but when I checked up on it, tak masuk pun dalam EPF. Kena kerah tenaga kerja sampai pagi, ended up, tipu kata nak bayar tak bayar.

At least kat sini, whatever they've promised, they make it come true. All the office political issues are common anywhere, any parts of the world, and it shouldn't be 'onar' in my life. Aku orang kecil, pangkat kecil, yang bercita-cita besar dan ada banyak impian yang ingin dicapai. I shouldn't bother and be bothered of any rubbish talk for more and start concentrating on my career. - delly

Friday, February 24, 2006

Di Manakah Duniaku?

Bosan bercakap benda yang sama every single day. Dan bosan juga berhadapan dengan hari-hari yang sama setiap hari. Macam takde life je, hari-hari kat office, ketuk-ketuk benda alah keyboard ni sampai kalaulah dia boleh menyumpah-seranah, dah lama aku ni jadi batu agaknya disumpah dek keyboard, sebab tak renti-renti menaip.

Balik umah bosan juga sebab apa yang menarik sangat kat umah tu melainkan tv dan pemain DVD dengan koleksi movies zaman tok kaduk. Yang ada pada member pun cuma koleksi citer hindustan, yang sememangnya dah lama aku tinggalkan zaman-zaman bergolek atas bukit dengan menari-nari keliling pokok dengan baju warna-warni. Dua tahun lepas bolehla, tahun ni, bukan aku lah yang bernama penyimpan koleksi hindustan. Movie Melayu yang ok bolehlah aku layan, selebihnya aku dah malas nak tengok. Kalau Afdlin atau Apek aku boleh masuk lagi. Citer2 Prof ngan Usop Selam aku bukan setakat tak tengok, nak menyebutnya pun malas.

Setiap hari, hanya menyibukkan dirilah menjadikan aku manusia yang agresif.

Tadi duduk lepak-lepak dengan geng-geng lama UITM, malah kak Nor*m yang memang sekelas dengan aku dulu. Ha..ha..ha kelakar, ttulah aku cakap dengan dia, dulu masa belajar, bukan main menggeletis nak kerja, dah kerja, hai nak belajar balik! Tukar-tukar citer pasal kawan lama, actually aku rindu gak dengan diorang yang sumernya dah jadi mak-mak orang. Aku antara yang bertunang paling awal, dan sepatutnya kawin paling awal, tapi beginilah nasib aku. Sekarang antara yang paling lewat, perhaps dah terlewat pun. Ah!!! Soal emosi lagi!!!

Tapi sebenarnya aku rindu dengan empat orang ni, An*g, Bu*daiy, Su*zie and Di*die. Actually empat orang best friends ni lah yang paling banyak berkongsi suka duka dengan aku. Di office memang ramai kawan, tapi mana ada yang betul2 concern tentang masalah kau? Masa jadi student dulu, kalau aku gaduh je dengan si Gadg, berebut aku call Su*zie datang dan tidur umah sewa aku. Hai tak cukup kaki dia datang. Dulu kitorang selalu basuh si Di*die sebab pakwe pilihan dia banyak yang tak senonoh. Haii....semuanya dululah...zaman dulu. Sekarang semua orang dah ada kehidupan sendiri. Aku wish jugak untuk aku ada kehidupan sendiri, tapi hai...entahlah...

Entah pesal entah aku emo terlebih hari ni...dahlah aku nak kena balik sebab besok pagi-pagi nak kena gi assignment kat kampung mana entah....jauh woo...nak dekat 1 jam perjalanan. Petang tak sabar nak jumpa G! Na..na..nanana........ - delly

Friday, February 17, 2006

"E-Baca Sk8 Challenge Anjuran Bersama MPPJ"

Dear friends and relatives, this is our very first event to be organized this year, the very very first, and I can't deny how big tremble my body is suffering every day waiting for the big day. I thank God that I have a very supportive team, they work so hell hard to make sure that we can achieve what we really want - to be noticed and be the number ONE kids magazine ever in Malaysia!

Anyone who is interested to join, do not hesitate to call 03 51013320 or email me: editor.ebaca@karangkraf.com.my.


E-Baca March Issue

Monday, February 13, 2006

Pushing The Deadline Again, Again!!

Damn, girllll!! I'm still in office at this time, it's 11.11 pm in nite, and waiting for printer to deliver all the output is HELL!! Tomorrow is Valentine, I didn't buy him anything, yet (when I promised I would), I'm totally zombie like hell now, and my brain is empty. It's not because of working over time, like what I'm doing now, but because the printer seems not to be working as expected, damn slow like a snail. And yes, I'm angry with this new entah apa-apa system, which adds to my sedia banyak work.

And today morning I noticed that somebody hit on back of my car so irresponsibly, and I was just the opportunity victim. Not sure whether he/she hit my car's butt in office or home. Again, I have to balik kampung, with lotta questions I need to answer, and most of the time, I just have to defense myself as usual.

Just want to introduce one more pusat lepas geram (online) - which all of our GEN-Y's mags are widely advertised here, syok sendiri la gamaknya....but it was a cool site - visit: http://www.portbaek.com/forum . Merepek-repek la kat istu...gerenti syiookkk!!! Ahh my brain is half-damaged...I need to refresh..... - delly

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Totally Suck!!

Heh gosh! For every single breath I'm taking in now, I just swear won't do the same mistake like yesterday. Never and never again! Huh! What a reputation of an editor..please...I couldn't sleep well yesterday just thinking and bothering about this hell "salah laku".

Yesterday me and my two colleagues went to Midvalley and Jalan Tuanku Abd Rahman for a brief survey on the sales of our magazine. Heck it was too damn hot, and we stopped for a while in Semua House to pray and lunch. I went to the bathroom first before praying, well just did everything other people would do when they are in a toilet. All of a sudden, when I was about to pull the toilet's door and get off, I saw one nice and beautiful brooch 'tergolek-golek' into my toilet...and I was like...what the!

Swear to God, it is totally not my habit, but to my surprise, I did'nt know what happened to me (or my head) that I just took that thing and put in my bag macam orang tak bersalah. Padahal, I should have nothing to bother about that brooch, dahlah I don't regularly wear scarf nicely, nak berkosang-kosang macam tu, tak yah cerita.

To make the story even scarier, when I went out, one girl asked me whether I have seen any brooch 'tergolek'golek' into my toilet room. Nak tahu tak aku gila tak gila, this was the conversation:

Woman: Have you seen my brooch inside your toilet room?
Me: I'm sorry I didn't see anything.
Woman: But I saw it just now, u were picking it
Me: (What the hell) Kantoi!!!

Then I just opened my pocket bag and gave it back to her. She just said thank you and acted normal.

Oh God! What an embarassment! What am I? A pencuri brooch?? Please....I'm not so sure what really happened to my system sometimes that I acted like a little girl who found a candy and when the other party asks for that candy back, I don't want to give, but to make it looks pro, I just tell him/her, "No, I didn't see it!"

Damn, I just suck sometimes! - delly