Monday, January 23, 2006
Happy 28th Birthday!!!
It's another increament of my precious age...ha..ha..ha...28 years old...
The one and only who handed me over a birthday card, is definitely abang G, and it goes....
On this special day
that you just adult
i really hope that you
are happy.
I pray that God gives
you the strength to
be proud of who you are
and what you have...
Coz you are a rare
diamond, you even
shine in the middle
of the ocean.
From your *cutiyan: Abang G :o)
To my *cuminun: Delly baby :o)
Actually *cutiyan is (cutie....nya...) and *cuminun (comel...nya..) heh..hhe..heh...forgive his misspelt of Malay language, not his fault anyways. I was happy like a hell for the simple card, which for me is G himself, is a big present for me.
I received happy birthday wishes from cousins (Ija and Syam), whom I forgot theirs :o), my sister, my mom, angah and DIGI. Kareno treated me and Linda Klik a lunch at Pizza Hut, after coming back from the GA Blue office. And got a birthday present from LOIS (fancy specs) but will be given to me later, after the shooting and all that. It's a courtesy from Linda. Thanks a bunch friend! I blew those candles on my cake yesterday, I just wish for one thing...mmm and it is not actually not for me, but for G. He received a very good news yesterday from his boss, and I really hope the news turns out to be a very good news for me too, soon. I think I already got whatever I want, it is just that I need to learn how to maintain and to spread the talent in me. - delly
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Lovely Faces
Time For Sk8er Boys!!!
Well it's time for E-Baca punyer story. Hopefully February 2006 issue will be, again, da bomb! Hey the team been working like hell day and night, and expecting for the worst is none of our agendas!
It's time to attract these young sk8er boys all around KL, Subang Jaya, Shah Alam and other urban areas. Even though they are not so into E-Baca, and more to Revolution and stuff like that, but it is actually worth trying something new. Hoping for them to come over to our office and offer themselves to be on the cover, is such a miracle happening (if its really true to be happened). So we just walked on street, found out this lil boy with an awesome talent (that Revolution didn't find out - yet), so we 'seret' him to be our cover, and..nah kau....on the shooting day...satu kerabat dibawaknya....well...they are excited, and we are all excited too.... :0)
It's not about changing anything, E-Baca is the one and only with this concept. Yes, it's true. But to get boys to read, ya Allah, susahnya Tuhan ajelah yang tahu. They don't really read, if they do read, they read one kind's stuff. They hate books, they feel like vomiting when they see mags, for that I really have to think hard to "how to make boys read". The ideas, as on papers, on the Cat's Apple Mac, are originated from ladies' minds - hebat tak team aku ni? X fresh goes with its tagline - from teens to teens. But mine is like, from ladies to boys....gitulah....
I've been ignoring my dearie blog for weeks, mmm....banyak benda nak citer. Just jot down some important agendas to be attended this month, next, next months, this year!!
1. E-Baca Junior Sk8 Challenge Anjuran Bersama MPPJ, Arena Skatepark, PJ
2. Official magazine for Kids Scuba Adventure, Pulau Tioman
3. Sue's wedding - on 29th April
Laterssss.... - delly
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Visiting Lynda
As early as 10 o’clock my dad fetched me to her rented house, first she served me breakfast and then started to cook for lunch. Even when she was still single, whenever I got chance to visit her, she would cook me a fried mee even how bad the taste was. The fried mee mamak style would always come with syrup drinks. The message: I will never be hungry with Lynda.
All this while I feel bad that I never mentioned anything about Lynda here. Not that I assume she means nothing for me, but because we are far away from each other so the feel of togetherness is always not there. She’s really a good friend who has been supporting me since we were in secondary school. We’ve been separated as she moved to UKM and me to UiTM. Sorry to say that she was a bit dumb when she was in school, J and when I left hometown to study in UiTM she was still struggling for the lower and upper sixth form. As what reported by my sister, (who taught her in class) Lynda always came well prepared to class and she was among top ten students for STPM exams. I was really impressed of her achievement and we did contact by sending mails to each other. I still remember that I sent her even a Valentine’s card during Valentine’s Day because I really breathed the presence of her in my life.
I was very happy when she was admitted to UKM, by the time I worked with GI company she was still studying. And when I was about to get engaged with that bull*hit, she was the first person I told about the news. She and her family prepared me beautiful gifts of hantaran for the bull*hit, she created even an awesome sirih junjung for the engagement day. She was the only friend who came to wish me the very best luck, and she waited till the ceremony ended. In the mean time we kept exchanging stories about her crushes too.
When I told her that the engagement broke, she was damn shocked that she cried for me. She said she understood as the same case happened to her own brother. After that I was busy with work, and she did tell me too about this guy she was so much felt into, but according to her he is kinda weird guy because he wanted to be close but he never said anything to Lynda. I mean those magic words. They did go out together but he didn’t show any interest. The worst part when Lynda told me he avoided her calls and smses.
Didn’t want to blame anyone, I just told her what I felt and what I would do if I were to be in her shoes. Of course I was being injustice on the guy’s part because whenever it comes to guys, I would be very, very irrational and emotional.
Well, of course I’m not Lynda and Lynda is not me. Somewhere in the year of 2004, she again told me that this guy had come to propose an engagement, and I was like, “What?!!!”. Being a quiet old guy, I didn’t really understand what was going on, but on the other side I felt that it was good for my dear friend Lynda. The best thing about her is, she has a very opened mind kampung mom, and she’s very lucky on that side. Her mom encouraged her to go out with this man, and be a woman enough, and she’s free to tell her mom almost anything that happens to her. That a very much difference between her mom and my mom.
The last thing she told me that they were getting married, and oh boy! I feel so proud having her as my friend as she doesn’t really care for this type of man she wants to marry. As long as everybody happy, and she is happy. And whatever it is, even though he is a quiet guy, but he’s nice, he knows his vision very clearly. As what I understood from Lynda’s story, that guy was quiet for quite some times because he was strengthening himself, he was very much preparing himself physically, mentally and financially to marry Linda at that time.
And after knowing that, I guess Lynda is the luckiest girl in the world. I mean, what else do you expect from life (as a woman) except the love and care from the one you love most? – delly
Tahun Baru dan Semangat Baru
Dulu aku sumpah seranah jugak bebudak muda Melayu kita yang partying, pubbing dan clubbing di malam tahun baru. Tapi tahun ni, aku sebahagian daripada diorang, bersama G dan beberapa teman rapat yang bertoya-toya (kata orang Melaka) mengajak aku ke tempat maksiat tu, maka melangkahlah aku ke The Beach Club Café (la…café ke...) malam tahun baru. Entah sapa yang menyarankan untuk ke Zouk, tapi aku cepat-cepat angkat kaki dan siap ugut-mengugut tak mahu pergi (sebab aku terkenang-kenang kes Jeslina Hashim..heh..hehh..heh…). Karang tak pasal-pasal bapak aku kena datang bawak RM 2000 ke lokap. Lepas bincang gitu-gitu, aku pun alright je la dengan permintaan diorang. Sebab saki-baki tension kerja masih ada, so I didn’t really mind to reward myself a treat. I mean, why not?
Aku ke sana agak lewat, dalam pukul 1 pagi baru terhegeh-hegeh nak mencari parking, manusia tak payah cakapla. Selautan dekat kawasan yang memang penuh dengan mat salleh, mat Negro dan segala mak Indon dan pompuan Filipino yang dok jadi GRO. Aku lambat pun bukan apa, bagi peluang kat G buat prayer dulu, tak habis-habis la alim dia tu kan. Aku pulak, masuk je Maghrib 31 Disember 2005, aku dah berdoa segala yang baik-baik untuk mak ayah, kaum keluarga, diri sendiri, diri sendiri dan diri sendiri. Aku tak pernah berazam, tapi Alhamdulillah, Allah sentiasa mengurniakan aku rezeki yang kadang-kadang aku tak pernah sangka. Aku bersyukur seadanya.
Masuk je ke club tu aku dah nak separuh muntah dah. Aku just nak cepat-cepat ke dance floor je sebab aku tengah excited dengar lagu Reshmonu Hey Waley Waley sedang berkumandang waktu kami masuk. Dalam banyak-banyak lagu yang memekakkan telinga tu, aku teruja dengan lagu Punjabi ni aje la. Seronok gak dapat menari ala-ala Bhangra gitu. Tiba-tiba aku lupa lak dengan segala problema aku. Ah tempat ni memang gila! Dan yang memenuhkannya semua orang tak cukup akal, termasuklah aku.
Dulu, geng-geng Ina Kru selalu cakap bebudak PR selalu pegi ‘cucuk bintang’. Bila aku tengah ‘cucuk bintang’ aku tetiba je teringat statement tak hingat Ina Kru tu. Ha..ha..ha..kelakar kan… tapi aku peduli apa sebab dulu-dulu pun kalau ke club aku sentiasa tegar, dan mengingatkan diri aku untuk tak dekat dengan any heavy smokers, jangan minum apa-apa pun (sebab spekulasi Coke dan mineral water pun depa letak something nak kasi high). Entah apa-apa. Last-last aku bawak masuk botol mineral water aku sendiri. Dan aku sentiasa aware dan conscious dalam kegilaan ramai-ramai orang tu.
Dalam pada aku duduk-duduk, entah penyangak alam mana yang dah drunk tahap dewa start nak goyang-goyang pinggul kat aku. Si punggung kecik yang berperut besar ni beriya-iya dah tolak-tolak tangan dengan aku. Wah hangin aku naik menyirap! Aku pandang G, G pandang aku. Apa lagi, plan baik punya, G tolak dia ke depan. Aku plak back hand dia sedas. Ha…pergi mam… kacau daun betul aktiviti senaman sihat aku ni!
Dalam pada berhibur tu, beranalisis jugak. Biasala aku memang suka observe perkara-perkara sehari dalam hidup aku. Aku tinjau-tinjau..hmm…boleh tahan gak anak-anak Melayu kita yang kerja kat dalam tu. Ramai betul. Sumpah aku tak menyalahkan diorang dengan jalan kerjaya yang diorang pilih ni. Kalau rezeki depa dah kat sini aku nak buat apa? Senang la manusia nak cakap itu ini, tapi bahu yang memikul tu lebih-lebih lagi siksa nak menerangkan. Sedih jugak tengok bebudak kita yang jadi waiter kat situ kena jadi pembuka botol air setan tu, dan kena serve lagi, tapi lagi sedih tengok depa-depa yang meneguknya.
Yang datang mabuk-mabuk pun ramai jugak, pas tu kenen-kenen minah-minah Filipina yang berlonggok kat satu tempat. Yang datang dengan aweks/balaks pun haruslah ramai. Ada yang dah projek kat tempat tersorok. Bukan nak kata tersorok pun, kalau tersorok baik pi hotel. Ni saja la nak show off. Loving couple la konon.
Apa pun tujuan diorang ke situ, memang none of my business. Kalau setakat datang, entertain diri sendiri kejap dan pas tu blah, kira alright. Tapi yang tak sedap ada bebudak kita yang dah dok merepek-repek kat jalanan sebab dah tunggang sebotol dua la tu. Mau aje aku luku dengan siku aku. Sedih kan? Hidup ni patutnya indah tapi kenapa kena jadi macam tu?
Sebetulnya aku tak patut langsung bersikap double standard pada mereka ni semua. Kalau aku nak query kenapa diorang di sana, so what the hell I was doing there too? Cuma aku berharap betul yang kita datang untuk berhibur, bukan menghiburkan pihak-pihak lain. Kerana aku tak nak tengok incident anak-anak muda kita tersungkur di bahu-bahu jalan, atau meroyan dalam tempat yang dipenuhi pelancong tu. Di mana pun kita berada, biarlah jati diri ni dibawa bersama. Memang seronok dibuai hiburan, tapi tak perlulah menjadi orang lain untuk berhibur. Cukup jadi diri sendiri, pada waktunya kita perlu kembali ke asal, kita harus pergi.
Entah kenapa falsafah hidup kita ni lebih mudah diucap daripada direalisasikan! – delly